How do I verify my Apple ID if I can't receive my verification code?

On any occasion you sign in with your Apple ID on new browser or new device, you will need to verify your identity with your password along with a six-digit verification code.  There are lots of ways to get a verification code by means of text or phone call, or you can generate a code from your trusted device.

Are you trying to verify your Apple ID on any new device and unable to receive verification code? Then why are you confused? You can also use your device generated code to verify this. Do you have any idea how to do that? If no, then read this article and know about the simple steps of getting verification code.

If you are using iOS 10.2 version, apply the below instructions:

·       First of all, open the Settings of your iPhone.

·       Tap on the iCloud.

·       Tap on your Apple ID username.

·       Now tap on Get Verification Code, if your device is offline. Sometimes if your device is online, then tap on the Password & Security and then tap on the Get Verification Code.

·       After that, you have to see the verification code on your device.

If you are using iOS 10.3 version, then apply the below instructions:

·       First of all, open the Settings of your iPhone.

·       Tap on your name.

·       Tap on the Password & Security.

·       Choose Get Verification Code option and then you will get a verification code on your device which is self generated by your device.

With the help of above instructions, you can easily get verification code on your device.         

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    My apple verification code is not working why?

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    Vinifecation code

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