Youtube Videos loading but not playing

Whenever, we try to watch videos, your computer (or basically any device) and YouTube’s servers connect by distributing and consuming data in large packets. When these packets are sent to your computer to allow the video to run, the HTML5 player of your browser will play the video.At that point a lot of things can come and interfere the connection between your computer, YouTube and the HTML5 player.
So that  you may face trouble youtube does not playing or work on any browser or device you may fix this troubles from these some steps as belwoes:

1. Update your Web browser

2.Turn on Java Script in web browser

3.Reset your internet connection

4. Check your extensions, plugins, cache, and cookies

5. Referesh your browser page

6.Adjust the video quality such as 240p  and 360p

7.Use TFC( Temp File Cleaner)

8.Test with InfiniteLooper

9.Resetting your Browser’s settings

10.Disable All Plugins

11.Disable All Extensions

12.Restarting your Computer

13.Update Adobe Flash Player

14.Try Using Google Chrome Canary

15.Disable YouTube HTML5 Player (Chrome Extension)

16.Shutting down other audio programs

17.Replugging Your Audio Devices

18.Updating the Sound Driver

19.Reinstalling the Sound Driver

20.Adjust for Best Performance (Advanced Method)

21.Increasing your Virtual Memory (Advanced Method)


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