How do I completely remove Norton Antivirus from my computer

Want to remove Norton Antivirus software from your computer? Here are all the details to know

Norton Antivirus the most widespread antivirus program which provides a safe and secure environment for a PC. It provides a safe browsing experience and also keeps secure the computer form online threats. Not only the online threats but also it eradicate the malware which came with the removable hardware like pen-drive, hard discs. As there is no harm in using this program, sometimes the user cannot access another application or program installed on the computer. In that situation, the user needs to remove the Norton Antivirus. Now if you are wondering that How do I completely remove Norton Antivirus from my computer. Then the solution is here, you can get all the steps that will help you to remove the Norton Antivirus program from your PC.

How to remove Norton Antivirus software from the computer?

  • First of all, you will have to go to the 'Application Folder' and you need to make double-click on Norton Security.

  • Then you will see Norton Security on the Menu Bar, where you have to click on ''Uninstall Norton Security'.

  • An 'Uninstall Norton Security' confirmation window will be shown on the screen.

  • Next, you need to confirm the uninstallation by clicking on the 'Uninstall' option.

  • Further, you will have to put the 'Administrator Name' and the associated 'Password' and then click on the 'Install Helper'.

  • At last, you 'Restart Now' option will appear in 'Uninstaller Window', simply click on that option.

As you complete the above steps, you will no longer worry about how do I completely remove Norton Antivirus from my computer. This will help you to get rid of this issue. 


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